torch.gif torch.gif NickServ



All command are in the form of /msg nickserv <command> <parameters>. Where <command> is one of the following:


REGISTER <password>

Registers your nickname in the NickServ database. Once your nick is registered, you can use the SET and ACCESS commands to configure your nick's settings as you like them. Make sure you remember the password you use when registering - you'll need it to make changes to your nick later. (Note that case matters! FIDO, Fido, and fido are all different passwords!)

IDENTIFY <password>

Tells NickServ that you are really the owner of this nick. Many commands require you to authenticate yourself with this command before you use them. The password should be the same one you sent with the REGISTER command.

ACCESS <add|del|list> [<hostmask>]

Modifies or displays the access list for your nick. This is the list of addresses which will be automatically recognized by NickServ as allowed to use the nick. If you want to use the nick from a different address, you need to send an IDENTIFY command to make NickServ recognize you.


/nickserv ACCESS ADD janus@*
Allows access to user janus from any machine in the domain.
/nickserv ACCESS DEL janus@*
Reverses the previous command.
/nickserv ACCESS LIST
Displays the current access list.

LINK <Main-nick> <main-nick-password>

Links a nick to another nick. Grants all access right of the main nickname to the linked nick.

SET <options> <parameters>

Sets various nickname options. option can be one of:

PASSWORD <(new)password>
Set/reset your nickname password
Sets your language preferance. Defaults to english
URL <none|url to home page>
Set/reset/remove URL for personal home page
EMAIL <none|E-mail address>
Set/reset/remove e-mail address
KILL <on|off>
Turn kill protection on or off
SECURE <on|off>
Turn nickname security on or off
Set Turns NickServ's privacy option on or off for your nick. When Private is onyou won't be listed in the nickserv LIST command.
Allows you to prevent certain pieces of information from being displayed when someone does a NickServ INFO on your nick. You can hide your E-mail address (EMAIL), last seen user@host mask (USERMASK), and last quit message (QUIT).
PRIVMSG <on|off>
Have services send you message as Messages (on) or as Notices (off)

In order to use this command, you must first identify with your password


Drops your nickname from the NickServ database. This command requires you to identify beforehand.

RECOVER <nick> <password>

Allows you to recover your nickname if someone else has taken it; this does the same thing that NickServ does automatically if someone tries to steal a kill-protected nick.

RELEASE <nick> <password>

Instructs NickServ to remove any hold on your nickname caused by automatic kill protection or use of the RECOVER command. By default, such holds last for one minute; this command gets rid of them sooner.


Unlinks a nick from another nick.

GHOST <nick> <password>

Terminates a "ghost" IRC session using your nick. A ghost" session is one which is not actually connected, but which the IRC server believes is still online for one reason or another. Typically, this happens if your computer crashes or your Internet or modem connection goes down while you're on IRC.

INFO <nick>

Displays information about the given nickname, such as the nick's owner, last seen address and time, URL, E-Mail, and nick options.

LIST <search pattern>

Lists all registered nicknames which match the given pattern, in nick!user@host format.

STATUS <nick>

Returns whether the user using the given nickname is recognized as the owner of the nickname. The response has this format:

   nickname status-code

where nickname is the nickname sent with the command, and status-code is one of the following:

0 - no such user online or nickname not registered
1 - user not recognized as nickname's owner
2 - user recognized as owner via access list only
3 - user recognized as owner via password identification

The Gryphon's Lair